--- title: "BeeBDC vignette" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette: vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{BeeBDC vignette} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r libraryChunk, load-packages, include=FALSE} # markdown packages library(rgnparser) library(magrittr) library(knitr) library(rmarkdown) library(rmdformats) library(prettydoc) library(htmltools) library(pkgdown) # Load core packages library(devtools) library(BiocManager) library(purrr) library(here) library(renv) library(bdc) library(CoordinateCleaner) library(dplyr) library(readr) library(stringr) library(lubridate) library(tidyselect) library(R.utils) library(tidyr) library(ggplot2) library(forcats) library(emld) library(rlang) library(xml2) library(mgsub) library(rvest) library(rnaturalearth) library(rnaturalearthdata) library(countrycode) library(janitor) library(circlize) library(paletteer) library(cowplot) library(igraph) library(ggspatial) library(sf) library(parallel) library(terra) # Dont detect cores to avoid GitHbub error old <- options() # code line i on.exit(options(old)) # code line i+1 options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores()) ``` ```{r secretRootPath, include=FALSE} # Set the RootPath to tempdir RootPath <- tempdir() if (!dir.exists(paste0(RootPath, "/Data_acquisition_workflow"))) { dir.create(paste0(RootPath, "/Data_acquisition_workflow"), recursive = TRUE) } ``` ```{r global-options, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(error = TRUE, eval = TRUE, tidy = TRUE, warning = FALSE, root.dir = normalizePath(tempdir())) ``` # 0.0 Script preparation ## 0.1 Working directory Choose the path to the root folder in which all other folders can be found. ```{r falseRootPath, eval=FALSE} RootPath <- paste0("/your/path/here") ``` ```{r CreateRootPath, warning=FALSE, collapse = TRUE} # Create the working directory in the RootPath if it doesn't exist already if (!dir.exists(paste0(RootPath, "/Data_acquisition_workflow"))) { dir.create(paste0(RootPath, "/Data_acquisition_workflow"), recursive = TRUE) } # Set the working directory setwd(paste0(RootPath,"/Data_acquisition_workflow")) ``` For the first time that you run BeeBDC, and if you want to use the renv package to manage your packages, you can install renv... install.packages("renv", repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org") and then initialise renv the project. renv::init(project = paste0(RootPath,"/Data_acquisition_workflow")) If you have already initialised a project, you can instead just activate it. ```{r activate, collapse = TRUE} renv::activate(project = paste0(RootPath,"/Data_acquisition_workflow")) ``` ## 0.2 Install packages (if needed) You may need to install gdal on your computer. This can be done on a Mac by using Homebrew in the terminal and the command "brew install gdal". To start out, you will need to install **BiocManager**, **devtools**, **ComplexHeatmap**, and **rnaturalearthhires** to then install and fully use **BeeBDC**. ```{r installPackages, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, results=FALSE, collapse = TRUE, eval = FALSE} if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager", repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org") BiocManager::install("ComplexHeatmap") ``` ```{r rnaturalearthhires, eval=FALSE} # Install remotes if needed if (!require("remotes", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("remotes", repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org") # Download and then load rnaturalearthhires remotes::install_github("ropensci/rnaturalearthhires") install.packages("rnaturalearthhires", repos = "https://ropensci.r-universe.dev", type = "source") library(rnaturalearthhires) ``` Now install **BeeBDC**. ```{r installBeeBDC, results=TRUE, message=TRUE, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} install.packages("BeeBDC") library(BeeBDC) ``` Snapshot the renv environment. ```{r snapshot, collapse = TRUE} renv::snapshot(project = paste0(RootPath,"/Data_acquisition_workflow"), prompt = FALSE) ``` Set up the directories used by BeeBDC. These directories include where the data, figures, reports, etc. will be saved. The RDoc needs to be a path RELATIVE to the RootPath; i.e., the file path from which the two diverge. ```{r dirMaker, collapse = TRUE, eval = FALSE} BeeBDC::dirMaker( RootPath = RootPath, RDoc = "vignettes/BeeBDC_main.Rmd") %>% # Add paths created by this function to the environment() list2env(envir = parent.env(environment())) ``` ```{r dirMakerSECRETELY, include = FALSE} # For the sake of this tutorial, we will not use here::i_am in dirMaker, because we aren't allowed # to mess with package directories in this way. This will work-around to use the tempdir() DataPath <- paste0(RootPath, "/Data_acquisition_workflow") OutPath_Check <- paste0(RootPath, "/Data_acquisition_workflow/Output/Check") OutPath_Figures <- paste0(RootPath, "/Data_acquisition_workflow/Output/Figures") OutPath_Intermediate <- paste0(RootPath, "/Data_acquisition_workflow/Output/Intermediate") OutPath_Report <- paste0(RootPath, "/Data_acquisition_workflow/Output/Report") # Create these files if (!dir.exists(DataPath)) { dir.create(DataPath, recursive = TRUE)} if (!dir.exists(OutPath_Check)) { dir.create(OutPath_Check, recursive = TRUE)} if (!dir.exists(OutPath_Figures)) { dir.create(OutPath_Figures, recursive = TRUE)} if (!dir.exists(OutPath_Intermediate)) { dir.create(OutPath_Intermediate, recursive = TRUE)} if (!dir.exists(OutPath_Report)) { dir.create(OutPath_Report, recursive = TRUE)} ``` ## 0.3 Load packages Load packages. ```{r lapply_library, results=FALSE, collapse = TRUE} lapply(c("ComplexHeatmap", "magrittr"), library, character.only = TRUE) ``` *** # 1.0 Data merge
Although each line of code has been validated, in order to save time knitting the R **markdown** document the next section is display only. If you are not data merging (section 1.0) or preparing the data (section 2.0), feel free to skip to Section 3.0 Initial flags.
## 1.1 Download ALA data Download ALA data and create a new file in the DataPath to put those data into. You should also first make an account with ALA in order to download your data — BeeBDC::atlasDownloader(path = DataPath, userEmail = "your@email.edu.au", atlas = "ALA", ALA_taxon = "Apiformes") ## 1.2 Import and merge ALA, SCAN, iDigBio, and GBIF data Supply the path to where the data is, the save_type is either "csv_files" or "R_file". DataImp <- BeeBDC::repoMerge(path = DataPath, occ_paths = BeeBDC::repoFinder(path = DataPath), save_type = "R_file") If there is an error in finding a file, run `repoFinder()` by itself to troubleshoot. For example: #BeeBDC::repoFinder(path = DataPath) #OUTPUT: #$ALA_data #[1] "F:/BeeDataCleaning2022/BeeDataCleaning/BeeDataCleaning/BeeData/ALA_galah_path/galah_download_2022-09-15/data.csv" #$GBIF_data #[1] "F:/BeeDataCleaning2022/BeeDataCleaning/BeeDataCleaning/BeeData/GBIF_webDL_30Aug2022/0000165-220831081235567/occurrence.txt" #[2] "F:/BeeDataCleaning2022/BeeDataCleaning/BeeDataCleaning/BeeData/GBIF_webDL_30Aug2022/0436695-210914110416597/occurrence.txt" #[3] "F:/BeeDataCleaning2022/BeeDataCleaning/BeeDataCleaning/BeeData/GBIF_webDL_30Aug2022/0436697-210914110416597/occurrence.txt" #[4] "F:/BeeDataCleaning2022/BeeDataCleaning/BeeDataCleaning/BeeData/GBIF_webDL_30Aug2022/0436704-210914110416597/occurrence.txt" #[5] "F:/BeeDataCleaning2022/BeeDataCleaning/BeeDataCleaning/BeeData/GBIF_webDL_30Aug2022/0436732-210914110416597/occurrence.txt" #[6] "F:/BeeDataCleaning2022/BeeDataCleaning/BeeDataCleaning/BeeData/GBIF_webDL_30Aug2022/0436733-210914110416597/occurrence.txt" #[7] "F:/BeeDataCleaning2022/BeeDataCleaning/BeeDataCleaning/BeeData/GBIF_webDL_30Aug2022/0436734-210914110416597/occurrence.txt" #$iDigBio_data #[1] "F:/BeeDataCleaning2022/BeeDataCleaning/BeeDataCleaning/BeeData/iDigBio_webDL_30Aug2022/5aa5abe1-62e0-4d8c-bebf-4ac13bd9e56f/occurrence_raw.csv" #$SCAN_data #character(0) #Failing because SCAN_data seems to be missing. Downloaded separatly from the one drive Load in the most-recent version of these data if needed. This will return a list with: 1. The occurrence dataset with attributes (.$Data_WebDL) 2. The appended eml file (.$eml_files) DataImp <- BeeBDC::importOccurrences(path = DataPath, fileName = "BeeData_") ## 1.3 Import USGS Data The `USGS_formatter()` will find, import, format, and create metadata for the USGS dataset. The pubDate must be in day-month-year format. USGS_data <- BeeBDC::USGS_formatter(path = DataPath, pubDate = "19-11-2022") ## 1.4 Formatted Source Importer Use this importer to find files that have been formatted and need to be added to the larger data file. The attributes file must contain "attribute" in its name, and the occurrence file must not. Complete_data <- BeeBDC::formattedCombiner(path = DataPath, strings = c("USGS_[a-zA-Z_]+[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}"), # This should be the list-format with eml attached existingOccurrences = DataImp$Data_WebDL, existingEMLs = DataImp$eml_files) In the column *catalogNumber*, remove ".*specimennumber:" as what comes after should be the USGS number to match for duplicates. Complete_data$Data_WebDL <- Complete_data$Data_WebDL %>% dplyr::mutate(catalogNumber = stringr::str_replace(catalogNumber, pattern = ".*\\| specimennumber:", replacement = "")) ## 1.5 Save data Choose the type of data format you want to use in saving your work in 1.x. BeeBDC::dataSaver(path = DataPath,# The main path to look for data in save_type = "CSV_file", # "R_file" OR "CSV_file" occurrences = Complete_data$Data_WebDL, # The existing datasheet eml_files = Complete_data$eml_files, # The existing EML files file_prefix = "Fin_") # The prefix for the fileNames rm(Complete_data, DataImp) # 2.0 Data preparation The data preparatin section of the script relates mostly to integrating **bee** occurrence datasets and corrections and so may be skipped by many general taxon users. ## 2.1 Standardise datasets You may either use: - (a) the bdc import method (works well with general datasets) ***or*** - (b) the jbd import method (works well with above data merge) ### a. bdc import The bdc import is **NOT** truly supported here, but provided as an example. Please go to section 2.1b below. Read in the **bdc** metadata and standardise the dataset to bdc. bdc_metadata <- readr::read_csv(paste(DataPath, "out_file", "bdc_integration.csv", sep = "/")) # ?issue — datasetName is a darwinCore field already! # Standardise the dataset to bdc db_standardized <- bdc::bdc_standardize_datasets( metadata = bdc_metadata, format = "csv", overwrite = TRUE, save_database = TRUE) # read in configuration description file of the column header info config_description <- readr::read_csv(paste(DataPath, "Output", "bdc_configDesc.csv", sep = "/"), show_col_types = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE) ### b. jbd import Find the path, read in the file, and add the *database_id* column. occPath <- BeeBDC::fileFinder(path = DataPath, fileName = "Fin_BeeData_combined_") db_standardized <- readr::read_csv(occPath, # Use the basic ColTypeR function to determine types col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR(), trim_ws = TRUE) %>% dplyr::mutate(database_id = paste("Dorey_data_", 1:nrow(.), sep = ""), .before = family) ### c. optional thin You can thin the dataset for ***TESTING ONLY!*** check_pf <- check_pf %>% # take every 100th record filter(row_number() %% 100 == 1) *** ## 2.2 Paige dataset Paige Chesshire's cleaned American dataset — ### Import data If you haven't figured it out by now, don't worry about the column name warning — not all columns occur here. PaigeNAm <- readr::read_csv(paste(DataPath, "Paige_data", "NorAmer_highQual_only_ALLfamilies.csv", sep = "/"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR()) %>% # Change the column name from Source to dataSource to match the rest of the data. dplyr::rename(dataSource = Source) %>% # EXTRACT WAS HERE # add a NEW database_id column dplyr::mutate( database_id = paste0("Paige_data_", 1:nrow(.)), .before = scientificName)
It is recommended to run the below code on the full bee dataset with more than 16GB RAM. Robert ran this on a laptop with 16GB RAM and an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8550U processor (4 cores and 8 threads) — it struggled.
### Merge Paige's data with downloaded data db_standardized <- BeeBDC::PaigeIntegrater( db_standardized = db_standardized, PaigeNAm = PaigeNAm, # This is a list of columns by which to match Paige's data to the most-recent download with. # Each vector will be matched individually columnStrings = list( c("decimalLatitude", "decimalLongitude", "recordNumber", "recordedBy", "individualCount", "samplingProtocol", "associatedTaxa", "sex", "catalogNumber", "institutionCode", "otherCatalogNumbers", "recordId", "occurrenceID", "collectionID"), # Iteration 1 c("catalogNumber", "institutionCode", "otherCatalogNumbers", "recordId", "occurrenceID", "collectionID"), # Iteration 2 c("decimalLatitude", "decimalLongitude", "recordedBy", "genus", "specificEpithet"),# Iteration 3 c("id", "decimalLatitude", "decimalLongitude"),# Iteration 4 c("recordedBy", "genus", "specificEpithet", "locality"), # Iteration 5 c("recordedBy", "institutionCode", "genus", "specificEpithet","locality"),# Iteration 6 c("occurrenceID","decimalLatitude", "decimalLongitude"),# Iteration 7 c("catalogNumber","decimalLatitude", "decimalLongitude"),# Iteration 8 c("catalogNumber", "locality") # Iteration 9 ) ) Remove spent data. rm(PaigeNAm) ## 2.3 USGS The USGS dataset also partially occurs on GBIF from BISON. However, the occurrence codes are in a silly place... We will correct these here to help identify duplicates later. db_standardized <- db_standardized %>% # Remove the discoverlife html if it is from USGS dplyr::mutate(occurrenceID = dplyr::if_else( stringr::str_detect(occurrenceID, "USGS_DRO"), stringr::str_remove(occurrenceID, "http://www\\.discoverlife\\.org/mp/20l\\?id="), occurrenceID)) %>% # Use otherCatalogNumbers when occurrenceID is empty AND when USGS_DRO is detected there dplyr::mutate( occurrenceID = dplyr::if_else( stringr::str_detect(otherCatalogNumbers, "USGS_DRO") & is.na(occurrenceID), otherCatalogNumbers, occurrenceID)) %>% # Make sure that no eventIDs have snuck into the occurrenceID columns # For USGS_DRO, codes with <6 digits are event ids dplyr::mutate( occurrenceID = dplyr::if_else(stringr::str_detect(occurrenceID, "USGS_DRO", negate = TRUE), # Keep occurrenceID if it's NOT USGS_DRO occurrenceID, # If it IS USGS_DRO and it has => 6 numbers, keep it, else, NA dplyr::if_else(stringr::str_detect(occurrenceID, "USGS_DRO[0-9]{6,10}"), occurrenceID, NA_character_)), catalogNumber = dplyr::if_else(stringr::str_detect(catalogNumber, "USGS_DRO", negate = TRUE), # Keep catalogNumber if it's NOT USGS_DRO catalogNumber, # If it IS USGS_DRO and it has => 6 numbers, keep it, else, NA dplyr::if_else(stringr::str_detect(catalogNumber, "USGS_DRO[0-9]{6,10}"), catalogNumber, NA_character_))) ## 2.4 Additional datasets Import additional and potentially private datasets. **Note:** Private dataset functions are provided but the data itself is not integrated here until those datasets become freely available. There will be some warnings were a few rows may not be formatted correctly or where dates fail to parse. This is normal. ###### a. EPEL Guzman, L. M., Kelly, T. & Elle, E. A data set for pollinator diversity and their interactions with plants in the Pacific Northwest. Ecology, e3927 (2022). EPEL_Data <- BeeBDC::readr_BeeBDC(dataset = "EPEL", path = paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets"), inFile = "/InputDatasets/bee_data_canada.csv", outFile = "jbd_EPEL_data.csv", dataLicense = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/") ###### b. Allan Smith-Pardo Data from Allan Smith-Pardo ASP_Data <- BeeBDC::readr_BeeBDC(dataset = "ASP", path = paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets"), inFile = "/InputDatasets/Allan_Smith-Pardo_Dorey_ready2.csv", outFile = "jbd_ASP_data.csv", dataLicense = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/") ###### c. Minckley Data from Robert Minckley BMin_Data <- BeeBDC::readr_BeeBDC(dataset = "BMin", path = paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets"), inFile = "/InputDatasets/Bob_Minckley_6_1_22_ScanRecent-mod_Dorey.csv", outFile = "jbd_BMin_data.csv", dataLicense = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/") ###### d. BMont Delphia, C. M. Bumble bees of Montana. . (2022) BMont_Data <- BeeBDC::readr_BeeBDC(dataset = "BMont", path = paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets"), inFile = "/InputDatasets/Bombus_Montana_dorey.csv", outFile = "jbd_BMont_data.csv", dataLicense = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/") ###### e. Ecd Ecdysis. Ecdysis: a portal for live-data arthropod collections, (2022). Ecd_Data <- BeeBDC::readr_BeeBDC(dataset = "Ecd", path = paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets"), inFile = "/InputDatasets/Ecdysis_occs.csv", outFile = "jbd_Ecd_data.csv", dataLicense = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/") ###### f. Gai Gaiarsa, M. P., Kremen, C. & Ponisio, L. C. Pollinator interaction flexibility across scales affects patch colonization and occupancy. *Nature Ecology & Evolution* 5, 787-793 (2021). Gai_Data <- BeeBDC::readr_BeeBDC(dataset = "Gai", path = paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets"), inFile = "/InputDatasets/upload_to_scan_Gaiarsa et al_Dorey.csv", outFile = "jbd_Gai_data.csv", dataLicense = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/") ###### g. CAES From the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. Zarrillo, T. A., Stoner, K. A. & Ascher, J. S. Biodiversity of bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Anthophila) in Connecticut (USA). Zootaxa (Accepted). Ecdysis. Occurrence dataset (ID: 16fca9c2-f622-4cb1-aef0-3635a7be5aeb). https://ecdysis.org/content/dwca/CAES-CAES_DwC-A.zip. (2023) CAES_Data <- BeeBDC::readr_BeeBDC(dataset = "CAES", path = paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets"), inFile = "/InputDatasets/CT_BEE_DATA_FROM_PBI.xlsx", outFile = "jbd_CT_Data.csv", sheet = "Sheet1", dataLicense = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/") ###### h. GeoL GeoL_Data <- BeeBDC::readr_BeeBDC(dataset = "GeoL", path = paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets"), inFile = "/InputDatasets/Geolocate and BELS_certain and accurate.xlsx", outFile = "jbd_GeoL_Data.csv", dataLicense = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/") ###### i. EaCO EaCO_Data <- BeeBDC::readr_BeeBDC(dataset = "EaCO", path = paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets"), inFile = "/InputDatasets/Eastern Colorado bee 2017 sampling.xlsx", outFile = "jbd_EaCo_Data.csv", dataLicense = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/") ###### j. FSCA Florida State Collection of Arthropods FSCA_Data <- BeeBDC::readr_BeeBDC(dataset = "FSCA", path = paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets"), inFile = "InputDatasets/fsca_9_15_22_occurrences.csv", outFile = "jbd_FSCA_Data.csv", dataLicense = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/") ###### k. Texas SMC Published or unpublished data from Texas literature not in an online database, usually copied into spreadsheet from document format, or otherwise copied from a very differently-formatted spreadsheet. Unpublished or partially published data were obtained with express permission from the lead author. SMC_Data <- BeeBDC::readr_BeeBDC(dataset = "SMC", path = paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets"), inFile = "/InputDatasets/TXbeeLitOccs_31Oct22.csv", outFile = "jbd_SMC_Data.csv", dataLicense = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/") ###### l. Texas Bal Data with GPS coordinates (missing accidentally from records on Dryad) from Ballare, K. M., Neff, J. L., Ruppel, R. & Jha, S. Multi-scalar drivers of biodiversity: local management mediates wild bee community response to regional urbanization. Ecological Applications 29, e01869 (2019), . The version on Dryad is missing site GPS coordinates (by accident). Kim is okay with these data being made public as long as her paper is referenced. - Elinor Lichtenberg Bal_Data <- BeeBDC::readr_BeeBDC(dataset = "Bal", path = paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets"), inFile = "/InputDatasets/Beedata_ballare.xlsx", outFile = "jbd_Bal_Data.csv", sheet = "animal_data", dataLicense = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/") ###### m. Palouse Lic Elinor Lichtenberg’s canola data: Lichtenberg, E. M., Milosavljević, I., Campbell, A. J. & Crowder, D. W. Differential effects of soil conservation practices on arthropods and crop yields. *Journal of Applied Entomology*, (2023) . These are the data I will be putting on SCAN. - Elinor Lichtenberg Lic_Data <- BeeBDC::readr_BeeBDC(dataset = "Lic", path = paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets"), inFile = "/InputDatasets/Lichtenberg_canola_records.csv", outFile = "jbd_Lic_Data.csv", dataLicense = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/") ###### n. Arm Data from Armando Falcon-Brindis from the University of Kentucky. Arm_Data <- BeeBDC::readr_BeeBDC(dataset = "Arm", path = paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets"), inFile = "/InputDatasets/Bee database Armando_Final.xlsx", outFile = "jbd_Arm_Data.csv", sheet = "Sheet1", dataLicense = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/") ###### o. Dor From several papers: 1. Dorey, J. B., Fagan-Jeffries, E. P., Stevens, M. I., & Schwarz, M. P. (2020). Morphometric comparisons and novel observations of diurnal and low-light-foraging bees. *Journal of Hymenoptera Research*, 79, 117–144. doi: 2. Dorey, J. B. (2021). Missing for almost 100 years: the rare and potentially threatened bee Pharohylaeus lactiferus (Hymenoptera, Colltidae). *Journal of Hymenoptera Research*, 81, 165-180. doi: 3. Dorey, J. B., Schwarz, M. P., & Stevens, M. I. (2019). Review of the bee genus Homalictus Cockerell (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) from Fiji with description of nine new species. *Zootaxa*, 4674(1), 1–46. doi: ```{} ``` Dor_Data <- BeeBDC::readr_BeeBDC(dataset = "Dor", path = paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets"), inFile = "/InputDatasets/DoreyData.csv", outFile = "jbd_Dor_Data.csv", dataLicense = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/") ###### p. VicWam These data are originally from the Victorian Museum and Western Australian Museum in Australia. However, in their current form they are from Dorey et al. 2021. 1. PADIL. (2020). PaDIL. 2. Houston, T. F. (2000). Native bees on wildflowers in Western Australia. *Western Australian Insect Study Society*. 3. Dorey, J. B., Rebola, C. M., Davies, O. K., Prendergast, K. S., Parslow, B. A., Hogendoorn, K., . . . Caddy-Retalic, S. (2021). Continental risk assessment for understudied taxa post catastrophic wildfire indicates severe impacts on the Australian bee fauna. *Global Change Biology*, 27(24), 6551-6567. doi: ```{} ``` VicWam_Data <- BeeBDC::readr_BeeBDC(dataset = "VicWam", path = paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets"), inFile = "/InputDatasets/Combined_Vic_WAM_databases.xlsx", outFile = "jbd_VicWam_Data.csv", dataLicense = "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/", sheet = "Combined") ### 2.5 Merge all Remove these spent datasets. rm(EPEL_Data, ASP_Data, BMin_Data, BMont_Data, Ecd_Data, Gai_Data, CAES_Data, GeoL_Data, EaCO_Data, FSCA_Data, SMC_Data, Bal_Data, Lic_Data, Arm_Data, Dor_Data, VicWam_Data) Read in and merge all. There are more `readr_BeeBDC()` supported than currently implemented and these represent datasets that will be publicly released in the future. See '?`readr_BeeBDC()`' for details. db_standardized <- db_standardized %>% dplyr::bind_rows( readr::read_csv(paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets", "/jbd_ASP_data.csv"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR()), readr::read_csv(paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets", "/jbd_EPEL_data.csv"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR()), readr::read_csv(paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets", "/jbd_BMin_data.csv"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR()), readr::read_csv(paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets", "/jbd_BMont_data.csv"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR()), readr::read_csv(paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets", "/jbd_Ecd_data.csv"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR()), readr::read_csv(paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets", "/jbd_Gai_data.csv"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR()), readr::read_csv(paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets", "/jbd_CT_Data.csv"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR()), readr::read_csv(paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets", "/jbd_GeoL_Data.csv"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR()), readr::read_csv(paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets", "/jbd_EaCo_Data.csv"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR()), readr::read_csv(paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets", "/jbd_SMC_Data.csv"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR()), readr::read_csv(paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets", "/jbd_Bal_Data.csv"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR()), readr::read_csv(paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets", "/jbd_Lic_Data.csv"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR()), readr::read_csv(paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets", "/jbd_Arm_Data.csv"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR()), readr::read_csv(paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets", "/jbd_Dor_Data.csv"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR()), readr::read_csv(paste0(DataPath, "/Additional_Datasets", "/jbd_VicWam_Data.csv"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR())) %>% # END bind_rows suppressWarnings(classes = "warning") # End suppressWarnings — due to col_types ### 2.6 Match database_id If you have prior runs from which you'd like to match *database_id*s with from the current run, you may use the below script to try to match *database_id*s with prior runs. Read in a prior run of choice. priorRun <- BeeBDC::fileFinder(path = DataPath, file = "01_prefilter_database_9Aug22.csv") %>% readr::read_csv(file = ., col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR()) This function will attempt to find the *database_id*s from prior runs. db_standardized <- BeeBDC::idMatchR( currentData = db_standardized, priorData = priorRun, # First matches will be given preference over later ones matchBy = tibble::lst(c("gbifID", "dataSource"), c("catalogNumber", "institutionCode", "dataSource", "decimalLatitude", "decimalLongitude"), c("occurrenceID", "dataSource","decimalLatitude","decimalLongitude"), c("recordId", "dataSource","decimalLatitude","decimalLongitude"), c("id", "dataSource","decimalLatitude","decimalLongitude"), # Because INHS was entered as it's own dataset but is now included in the GBIF download... c("catalogNumber", "institutionCode", "dataSource", "decimalLatitude","decimalLongitude")), # You can exclude datasets from prior by matching their prefixs — before first underscore: excludeDataset = c("ASP", "BMin", "BMont", "CAES", "EaCO", "Ecd", "EcoS", "Gai", "KP", "EPEL", "CAES", "EaCO", "FSCA", "SMC", "Lic", "Arm", "VicWam")) # Remove redundant files rm(priorRun) Save the dataset. db_standardized %>% readr::write_excel_csv(., paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "00_prefilter_database.csv", sep = "/")) # 3.0 Initial flags Read data back in if needed. OutPath_Intermediate (and a few other directories) should be have been created and saved to the global environment by `dirMaker()`. if(!exists("db_standardized")){ db_standardized <- readr::read_csv(paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "00_prefilter_database.csv", sep = "/"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR())} Normally, you would use the full dataset, as read in above. But, for the sake of this vignette, we will use a combination of two example datasets. These example datasets can further be very useful for testing functions if you're ever feeling a bit confused and overwhelmed! ```{r 3.0, collapse = TRUE} data("bees3sp", package = "BeeBDC") data("beesRaw", package = "BeeBDC") db_standardized <- dplyr::bind_rows(beesRaw, # Only keep a subset of columns from bees3sp bees3sp %>% dplyr::select(tidyselect::all_of(colnames(beesRaw)), countryCode)) ``` *For more details about the bdc package, please see their [tutorial.](https://brunobrr.github.io/bdc/articles/prefilter.html)* ## 3.1 SciName Flag occurrences without *scientificName* provided. ```{r 3.1, collapse = TRUE} check_pf <- bdc::bdc_scientificName_empty( data = db_standardized, sci_name = "scientificName") # now that this is saved, remove it to save space in memory rm(db_standardized) ``` ## 3.2 MissCoords Flag occurrences with missing *decimalLatitude* and *decimalLongitude*. ```{r 3.2, collapse = TRUE} check_pf <- bdc::bdc_coordinates_empty( data = check_pf, lat = "decimalLatitude", lon = "decimalLongitude") ``` ## 3.3 OutOfRange Flag occurrences that are not on Earth (outside of -180 to 180 or -90 to 90 degrees). ```{r 3.3, collapse = TRUE} check_pf <- bdc::bdc_coordinates_outOfRange( data = check_pf, lat = "decimalLatitude", lon = "decimalLongitude") ``` ## 3.4 Source Flag occurrences that don't match the *basisOfRecord* types below. ```{r 3.4, collapse = TRUE} check_pf <- bdc::bdc_basisOfRecords_notStandard( data = check_pf, basisOfRecord = "basisOfRecord", names_to_keep = c( # Keep all plus some at the bottom. "Event", "HUMAN_OBSERVATION", "HumanObservation", "LIVING_SPECIMEN", "LivingSpecimen", "MACHINE_OBSERVATION", "MachineObservation", "MATERIAL_SAMPLE", "O", "Occurrence", "MaterialSample", "OBSERVATION", "Preserved Specimen", "PRESERVED_SPECIMEN", "preservedspecimen Specimen", "Preservedspecimen", "PreservedSpecimen", "preservedspecimen", "S", "Specimen", "Taxon", "UNKNOWN", "", NA, "NA", "LITERATURE", "None", "Pinned Specimen", "Voucher reared", "Emerged specimen" )) ``` ## 3.5 CountryName Try to harmonise country names. ### a. prepare dataset Fix up country names based on common problems above and extract ISO2 codes for occurrences. ```{r 3.5a, collapse = TRUE} check_pf_noNa <- BeeBDC::countryNameCleanR( data = check_pf, # Create a Tibble of common issues in country names and their replacements commonProblems = dplyr::tibble(problem = c('U.S.A.', 'US','USA','usa','UNITED STATES', 'United States','U.S.A','MX','CA','Bras.','Braz.', 'Brasil','CNMI','USA TERRITORY: PUERTO RICO'), fix = c('United States of America','United States of America', 'United States of America','United States of America', 'United States of America','United States of America', 'United States of America','Mexico','Canada','Brazil', 'Brazil','Brazil','Northern Mariana Islands','PUERTO.RICO')) ) ``` ### b. run function Get country name from coordinates using a wrapper around the `jbd_country_from_coordinates()` function. Because our dataset is much larger than those used to design **bdc**, we have made it so that you can analyse data in smaller pieces. Additionally, like some other functions in **BeeBDC**, we have implemented parallel operations (using mc.cores = #cores in stepSize = #rowsPerOperation); see '?`jbd_CfC_chunker()`' for details. NOTE: In an actual run you should use scale = "large" ```{r 3.5b, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, collapse = TRUE} suppressWarnings( countryOutput <- BeeBDC::jbd_CfC_chunker(data = check_pf_noNa, lat = "decimalLatitude", lon = "decimalLongitude", country = "country", # How many rows to process at a time stepSize = 1000000, # Start row chunkStart = 1, path = OutPath_Intermediate, # Normally, please use scale = "large" scale = "medium", mc.cores = 1), classes = "warning") ``` ### c. re-merge Join these datasets. ```{r 3.5ci, collapse = TRUE} check_pf <- dplyr::left_join(check_pf, countryOutput, by = "database_id", suffix = c("", "CO")) %>% # Take the new country name if the original is NA dplyr::mutate(country = dplyr::if_else(is.na(country), countryCO, country)) %>% # Remove duplicates if they arose from left_join! dplyr::distinct() ``` Save the dataset. ```{r 3.5cii, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} check_pf %>% readr::write_excel_csv(., paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "01_prefilter_database.csv", sep = "/")) ``` Read in if needed. ```{r 3.5ciii, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} if(!exists("check_pf")){ check_pf <- readr::read_csv(paste(DataPath, "Output", "Intermediate", "01_prefilter_database.csv", sep = "/"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR())} ``` Remove these interim datasets. ```{r 3.5civ, collapse = TRUE} rm(check_pf_noNa, countryOutput) ``` ## 3.6 StandardCoNames Run the function, which standardises country names and adds ISO2 codes, if needed. ```{r 3.6, collapse = TRUE} # Standardise country names and add ISO2 codes if needed check_pf <- bdc::bdc_country_standardized( # Remove the countryCode and country_suggested columns to avoid an error with # where two "countryCode" and "country_suggested" columns exist (i.e. if the dataset has been # run before) data = check_pf %>% dplyr::select(!tidyselect::any_of(c("countryCode", "country_suggested"))), country = "country" ) ``` ## 3.7 TranspCoords Flag and correct records when *decimalLatitude* and *decimalLongitude* appear to be transposed. We created this chunked version of `bdc::bdc_coordinates_transposed()` because it is very RAM-heavy using our large bee dataset. Like many of our other 'jbd_...' functions there are other improvements - e.g., parallel running. NOTE: Usually you would use scale = "large", which requires rnaturalearthhires ```{r 3.7, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, collapse = TRUE} check_pf <- BeeBDC::jbd_Ctrans_chunker( # bdc_coordinates_transposed inputs data = check_pf, id = "database_id", lat = "decimalLatitude", lon = "decimalLongitude", country = "country", countryCode = "countryCode", border_buffer = 0.2, # in decimal degrees (~22 km at the equator) save_outputs = TRUE, sci_names = "scientificName", # chunker inputs stepSize = 1000000, # How many rows to process at a time chunkStart = 1, # Start row append = FALSE, # If FALSE it may overwrite existing dataset progressiveSave = FALSE, # In a normal run, please use scale = "large" scale = "medium", path = OutPath_Check, mc.cores = 1 ) ``` Get a quick summary of the number of transposed records. ```{r 3.7ii, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} table(check_pf$coordinates_transposed, useNA = "always") ``` Save the dataset. ```{r 3.7iii, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} check_pf %>% readr::write_excel_csv(., paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "01_prefilter_database.csv", sep = "/")) ``` Read the data in again if needed. ```{r 3.7iv, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} if(!exists("check_pf")){ check_pf <- readr::read_csv(paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "01_prefilter_database.csv", sep = "/"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR())} ``` ## 3.8 Coord-country Collect all country names in the *country_suggested* column. We rebuilt a **bdc** function to flag occurrences where the coordinates are inconsistent with the provided country name. ```{r 3.8, collapse = TRUE} check_pf <- BeeBDC::jbd_coordCountryInconsistent( data = check_pf, lon = "decimalLongitude", lat = "decimalLatitude", scale = 50, pointBuffer = 0.01) ``` Save the dataset. ```{r 3.8ii, eval = FALSE} check_pf %>% readr::write_excel_csv(., paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "01_prefilter_database.csv", sep = "/")) ``` ## 3.9 GeoRefIssue This function identifies records whose coordinates can potentially be extracted from locality information, which must be manually checked later. ```{r 3.9, eval = TRUE, collapse = TRUE} xyFromLocality <- bdc::bdc_coordinates_from_locality( data = check_pf, locality = "locality", lon = "decimalLongitude", lat = "decimalLatitude", save_outputs = FALSE ) ``` ```{r 3.9ii, eval = FALSE} # Save the resultant data xyFromLocality %>% readr::write_excel_csv(paste(OutPath_Check, "01_coordinates_from_locality.csv", sep = "/")) ``` Remove spent data. ```{r 3.9iii, eval = FALSE} rm(xyFromLocality) ``` ## 3.10 Flag Absent Flag the records marked as "absent". ```{r 3.10, collapse = TRUE} check_pf <- BeeBDC::flagAbsent(data = check_pf, PresAbs = "occurrenceStatus") ``` ## 3.11 flag License Flag the records that may not be used according to their license information. ```{r 3.11, collapse = TRUE} check_pf <- BeeBDC::flagLicense(data = check_pf, strings_to_restrict = "all", # DON'T flag if in the following dataSource(s) excludeDataSource = NULL) ``` ## 3.12 GBIF issue Flag select issues that are flagged by GBIF. ```{r 3.12, collapse = TRUE} check_pf <- BeeBDC::GBIFissues(data = check_pf, issueColumn = "issue", GBIFflags = c("COORDINATE_INVALID", "ZERO_COORDINATE")) ``` ## 3.13 Flag Reports ### a. Save flags Save the flags so far. This function will make sure that you keep a copy of everything that has been flagged up until now. This will be updated throughout the script and can accessed at the end, so be wary of moving files around manually. However, these data will also still be maintained in the main running file, so this is an optional fail-safe. ```{r 3.13a, eval = FALSE} flagFile <- BeeBDC::flagRecorder( data = check_pf, outPath = paste(OutPath_Report, sep =""), fileName = paste0("flagsRecorded_", Sys.Date(), ".csv"), # These are the columns that will be kept along with the flags idColumns = c("database_id", "id", "catalogNumber", "occurrenceID", "dataSource"), # TRUE if you want to find a file from a previous part of the script to append to append = FALSE) ``` Update the *.summary* column ```{r 3.13b, collapse = TRUE} check_pf <- BeeBDC::summaryFun( data = check_pf, # Don't filter these columns (or NULL) dontFilterThese = NULL, # Remove the filtering columns? removeFilterColumns = FALSE, # Filter to ONLY cleaned data? filterClean = FALSE) ``` ### c. Reporting Use **bdc** to generate reports. ```{r 3.13c, eval = FALSE} (report <- bdc::bdc_create_report(data = check_pf, database_id = "database_id", workflow_step = "prefilter", save_report = TRUE) ) ``` ## 3.14 Save Save the intermediate dataset. ```{r 3.14, eval = FALSE} check_pf %>% readr::write_excel_csv(., paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "01_prefilter_output.csv", sep = "/")) ``` # 4.0 Taxonomy *For more information about the corresponding bdc functions used in this section, see their [tutorial](https://brunobrr.github.io/bdc/articles/taxonomy.html). * Read in the filtered dataset or rename the 3.x dataset for 4.0. ```{r 4.0, collapse = TRUE} if(!exists("check_pf")){ database <- readr::read_csv( paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "01_prefilter_output.csv", sep = "/"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR()) }else{ # OR rename and remove database <- check_pf # Remove spent dataset rm(check_pf)} ``` Remove *names_clean* if it already exists (i.e. you have run the following functions before on this dataset before). ```{r 4.0ii, collapse = TRUE} database <- database %>% dplyr::select(!tidyselect::any_of("names_clean")) ``` ## 4.1 Prep data names This step cleans the database's *scientificName* column. **! MAC**: You might need to install gnparser through terminal — brew brew tap gnames/gn brew install gnparser
This can be difficult for a Windows install. Ensure you have the most recent version of R, R Studio, and R packages. Also, check package '**rgnparser**' is installed correctly. If you still can not get the below code to work, you may have to download the latest version of 'gnparser' from [here](https://github.com/gnames/gnparser/releases/tag/v1.6.9). You may then need to manually install it and edit your systems environmental variable PATH to locate 'gnparser.exe'. See [here](https://github.com/gnames/gnparser#installation).
```{r 4.1, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} parse_names <- bdc::bdc_clean_names(sci_names = database$scientificName, save_outputs = FALSE) ``` ## The latest gnparser version is v1.7.4 ## gnparser has been installed to /home/runner/bin ## ## >> Family names prepended to scientific names were flagged and removed from 0 records. ## >> Terms denoting taxonomic uncertainty were flagged and removed from 0 records. ## >> Other issues, capitalizing the first letter of the generic name, replacing empty names by NA, and removing extra spaces, were flagged and corrected or removed from 1 records. ## >> Infraspecific terms were flagged and removed from 0 records. Keep only the *.uncer_terms* and *names_clean* columns. ```{r 4.1ii, collapse = TRUE, eval = FALSE} parse_names <- parse_names %>% dplyr::select(.uncer_terms, names_clean) ``` Merge names with the complete dataset. ```{r 4.1iii, collapse = TRUE} database <- dplyr::bind_cols(database) rm(parse_names) ``` ## 4.2 Harmonise taxonomy Download the custom taxonomy file from the BeeBDC package and [Discover Life](https://www.discoverlife.org) website. ```{r 4.2, collapse = TRUE, eval = FALSE} taxonomyFile <- BeeBDC::beesTaxonomy() ``` ```{r 4.2secret, collapse=TRUE, include=FALSE} # load in the small test dataset in the background system.file("extdata", "testTaxonomy.rda", package="BeeBDC") |> load() # Rename the file taxonomyFile <- testTaxonomy rm(testTaxonomy) ```
As of version 1.1.0, BeeBDC now has a new function that can download taxonomies using the taxadb package and transform them into the BeeBDC format. The function, `BeeBDC::taxadbToBeeBDC()`, allows the user to choose their desired provider (e.g., "gbif", "itis"...), version, taxon name and rank, and to save the taxonomy as a readable csv or not. For example for the bee genus Apis: ApisTaxonomy <- BeeBDC::taxadbToBeeBDC( name = "Apis", rank = "Genus", provider = "gbif", version = "22.12", outPath = getwd(), fileName = "ApisTaxonomy.csv" )
Harmonise the names in the occurrence tibble. This flags the occurrences without a matched name and matches names to their correct name according to [Discover Life](https://www.discoverlife.org). You can also use multiple cores to achieve this. See '?`harmoniseR()`' for details. ```{r 4.2ii, collapse = TRUE} database <- BeeBDC::harmoniseR(path = DataPath, #The path to a folder that the output can be saved taxonomy = taxonomyFile, # The formatted taxonomy file data = database, mc.cores = 1) ``` You don't need this file any more... ```{r 4.2iii, collapse = TRUE} rm(taxonomyFile) ``` Save the harmonised file. ```{r 4.2iv, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} database %>% readr::write_excel_csv(., paste(DataPath, "Output", "Intermediate", "02_taxonomy_database.csv", sep = "/")) ``` ## 4.3 Save flags Save the flags so far. This will find the most-recent flag file and append your new data to it. You can double-check the data and number of columns if you'd like to be thorough and sure that all of data are intact. ```{r 4.3, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} flagFile <- BeeBDC::flagRecorder( data = database, outPath = paste(OutPath_Report, sep =""), fileName = paste0("flagsRecorded_", Sys.Date(), ".csv"), idColumns = c("database_id", "id", "catalogNumber", "occurrenceID", "dataSource"), append = TRUE, printSummary = TRUE) ``` # 5.0 Space *The final frontier or whatever.* Read in the latest database. ```{r 5.0, collapse = TRUE} if(!exists("database")){ database <- readr::read_csv(paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "02_taxonomy_database.csv", sep = "/"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR())} ``` ## 5.1 Coordinate precision This function identifies records with a coordinate precision below a specified number of decimal places. For example, the precision of a coordinate with 1 decimal place is 11.132 km at the equator, i.e., the scale of a large city. The major difference between the **bdc** and **BeeBDC** functions is that `jbd_coordinates_precision()` will only flag occurrences if BOTH latitude and longitude are rounded (as opposed to only one of these). Coordinates with one, two, or three decimal places present a precision of ~11.1 km, ~1.1 km, and ~111 m at the equator, respectively. ```{r 5.1, collapse = TRUE} check_space <- BeeBDC::jbd_coordinates_precision( data = database, lon = "decimalLongitude", lat = "decimalLatitude", ndec = 2 # number of decimals to be tested ) ``` Remove the spent dataset. ```{r 5.1ii, collapse = TRUE} rm(database) ``` Save the resulting file. ```{r 5.1iii, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} check_space %>% readr::write_excel_csv(., paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "03_space_inter_database.csv", sep = "/")) ``` ## 5.2 Common spatial issues Only run for occurrences through `clean_coordinates()` that are spatially 'valid'. ```{r 5.2, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} tempSpace <- check_space %>% dplyr::filter(!.coordinates_empty == FALSE) %>% dplyr::filter(!.coordinates_outOfRange == FALSE) ``` Next, we will flag common spatial issues using functions of the package **CoordinateCleaner**. It addresses some common issues in biodiversity datasets. ```{r 5.2ii, message=TRUE, warning=FALSE, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} tempSpace <- CoordinateCleaner::clean_coordinates( x = tempSpace, lon = "decimalLongitude", lat = "decimalLatitude", species = "scientificName", countries = NULL, # Tests if coords are from x country. This is not needed. tests = c( "capitals", # records within 0.5 km of capitals centroids "centroids", # records within 1 km around country and province centroids "equal", # records with equal coordinates "gbif", # records within 1 km of GBIF headquarters. (says 1 degree in package, but code says 1000 m) "institutions", # records within 100m of zoo and herbaria "zeros" # records with coordinates 0,0 # "seas" # Not flagged as this should be flagged by coordinate country inconsistent ), capitals_rad = 1000, centroids_rad = 500, centroids_detail = "both", # test both country and province centroids inst_rad = 100, # remove zoo and herbaria within 100m range_rad = 0, zeros_rad = 0.5, capitals_ref = NULL, centroids_ref = NULL, country_ref = NULL, country_refcol = "countryCode", inst_ref = NULL, range_ref = NULL, # seas_scale = 50, value = "spatialvalid" # result of tests are appended in separate columns ) %>% # Remove duplicate .summary column that can be replaced later and turn into a tibble dplyr::select(!tidyselect::starts_with(".summary")) %>% dplyr::tibble() ``` Re-merge the datasets. ```{r 5.2iii, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} check_space <- tempSpace %>% # Re-bind with the records that were removed earlier dplyr::bind_rows(check_space %>% dplyr::filter(.coordinates_empty == FALSE | .coordinates_outOfRange == FALSE) ) ``` Remove the temporary dataset. ```{r 5.2iv, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} rm(tempSpace) ``` Save the intermediate dataset. ```{r 5.2v, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} check_space %>% readr::write_excel_csv(paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "03_space_inter_database.csv", sep = "/")) ``` ## 5.3 Diagonal + grid Finds sequential numbers that could be fill-down errors in lat and long, and groups by the 'groupingColumns'. This is accomplished by using a sliding window with the length determined by minRepeats. Only coordinates of precision 'ndec' (number of decimals in decimal degree format) will be examined. Note, that this function is very RAM-intensive and so the use of multiple threads should be approached with caution depending on your dataset. However, the option is provided. ```{r 5.3, collapse = TRUE} check_space <- BeeBDC::diagonAlley( data = check_space, # The minimum number of repeats needed to find a sequence in for flagging minRepeats = 6, ndec = 3, groupingColumns = c("eventDate", "recordedBy", "datasetName"), mc.cores = 1) ``` Spatial gridding from rasterisation: Select only the records with more than X occurrences. ```{r 5.3ii, collapse = TRUE} griddingDF <- check_space %>% # Exclude NA lat and lon values tidyr::drop_na(c("decimalLatitude", "decimalLongitude")) %>% # Group by the dataset name dplyr::group_by(datasetName) %>% # Remove rows that aren't unique for lat and long dplyr::distinct(decimalLongitude, decimalLatitude, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% # Find the groups with 4 or more occurrence records dplyr::filter(dplyr::n() >= 4) %>% dplyr::ungroup() ``` Run the gridding analysis to find datasets that might be gridded. ```{r 5.3iii, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} gridded_datasets <- CoordinateCleaner::cd_round( x = griddingDF, lon = "decimalLongitude", lat = "decimalLatitude", ds = "datasetName", T1 = 7, min_unique_ds_size = 4, test = "both", value = "dataset", graphs = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, reg_out_thresh = 2, reg_dist_min = 0.1, reg_dist_max = 2 ) %>% dplyr::tibble() # The griddingDF is no longer needed. remove it. rm(griddingDF) ``` Integrate these results with the main dataset. ```{r 5.3iv, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} check_space <- check_space %>% # Join the datasets dplyr::left_join( # Select the columns of interest dplyr::select(gridded_datasets, dataset, lon.flag, lat.flag, summary), by = c("datasetName" = "dataset")) %>% # Make new columns with more-consistent naming and change the NA vlaues to = TRUE (not flagged) dplyr::mutate(.lonFlag = tidyr::replace_na(lon.flag, TRUE), .latFlag = tidyr::replace_na(lat.flag, TRUE), .gridSummary = tidyr::replace_na(summary, TRUE)) %>% # Remove old columns dplyr::select(!c(lon.flag, lat.flag, summary)) ``` Save the gridded_datasets file for later examination. ```{r 5.3 v, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} gridded_datasets %>% readr::write_excel_csv(paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "03_space_griddedDatasets.csv", sep = "/")) ``` Now remove this file. ```{r 5.3vi, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} rm(gridded_datasets) ``` ## 5.4 Uncertainty Flag records that exceed a *coordinateUncertaintyInMeters* threshold. ```{r 5.4, collapse = TRUE} check_space <- BeeBDC::coordUncerFlagR(data = check_space, uncerColumn = "coordinateUncertaintyInMeters", threshold = 1000) ``` ## 5.5 Country & continent checklists This step identifies mismatches between the [Discover Life](https://www.discoverlife.org) country checklist — `beesChecklist` — for bee species and the dataset, identifying potential misidentifications, outliers, etc.’ Download the country-level checklist. ```{r 5.5, collapse = TRUE, eval = FALSE} checklistFile <- BeeBDC::beesChecklist() ``` ```{r 5.5secret, collapse = TRUE, eval = TRUE} # load in the small test dataset in the background system.file("extdata", "testChecklist.rda", package="BeeBDC") |> load() # Rename the file taxonomyFile <- testChecklist rm(testChecklist) ``` ```{r 5.5iia, collapse = TRUE} check_space <- BeeBDC::countryOutlieRs(checklist = checklistFile, data = check_space, keepAdjacentCountry = TRUE, pointBuffer = 0.05, # Scale of map to return, one of 110, 50, 10 OR 'small', 'medium', 'large' # Smaller numbers will result in much longer calculation times. # We have not attempted a scale of 10. scale = 50, mc.cores = 1) ``` Since version 1.1.2 a new function, `BeeBDC::continentOutlieRs()`, has been released which is conceptually the same as `BeeBDC::countryOutlieRs()` except it works on the level of continents. Users might appreciate that generating a continent-level checklist is much easier than a country-level one and so might actually be of more wide-spread use (beyond bees). ```{r 5.5iib, collapse = TRUE} check_space <- BeeBDC::continentOutlieRs(checklist = checklistFile, data = check_space, keepAdjacentContinent = FALSE, pointBuffer = 0.05, # Scale of map to return, one of 110, 50, 10 OR 'small', 'medium', 'large' # Smaller numbers will result in much longer calculation times. # We have not attempted a scale of 10. scale = 50, mc.cores = 1) ``` ```{r 5.5iii, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} # A list of failed species-country combinations and their numbers can be output here check_space %>% dplyr::filter(.countryOutlier == FALSE) %>% dplyr::select(database_id, scientificName, country) %>% dplyr::group_by(scientificName) %>% dplyr::mutate(count_scientificName = n()) %>% dplyr::distinct(scientificName, country, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% readr::write_excel_csv(paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "03_space_failedCountryChecklist.csv", sep = "/")) ``` ## 5.6 Map spatial errors Assemble maps of potential spatial errors and outliers, either one flag at a time or using the *.summary* column. First, you need to rebuild the *.summary* column. Rebuild the *.summary* column. ```{r 5.6, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} check_space <- BeeBDC::summaryFun( data = check_space, dontFilterThese = NULL, removeFilterColumns = FALSE, filterClean = FALSE) ``` Use col_to_map in order to map ONE spatial flag at a time or map the *.summary* column for all flags. ```{r 5.6ii, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} check_space %>% dplyr::filter(.summary == FALSE) %>% # map only records flagged as FALSE bdc::bdc_quickmap( data = ., lon = "decimalLongitude", lat = "decimalLatitude", col_to_map = ".summary", size = 0.9 ) ``` ## 5.7 Space report Create the space report using **bdc**. ```{r 5.7, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} (report <- bdc::bdc_create_report( data = dplyr::tibble(check_space %>% dplyr::select(!.uncer_terms)), database_id = "database_id", workflow_step = "space", save_report = TRUE) ) ``` ## 5.8 Space figures Create figures for the spatial data filtering results. ```{r 5.8, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} (figures <- BeeBDC::jbd_create_figures( data = dplyr::tibble(check_space %>% dplyr::select(!.uncer_terms)), path = DataPath, database_id = "database_id", workflow_step = "space", save_figures = TRUE) ) ``` For examining the figures, the options are: - *.cap* = Records around country capital centroid - *.cen* = Records around country or province centroids - *.dbl* = Duplicated coordinates per species - *.equ* = Identical coordinates - *.otl* = Geographical outliers - *.gbf* = Records around the GBIF headquarters - *.inst* = Records around biodiversity institutions - *.rou* = Rounded (probably imprecise) coordinates - *.urb* = Records within urban areas — (Likely not relevant for bees.) You can examine these figures, for example, by running: figures$.rou Save interim dataset. ```{r 5.8ii, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} check_space %>% readr::write_excel_csv(paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "03_space_inter_database.csv", sep = "/")) ``` ## 5.9 Save flags Save the flags so far. ```{r 5.9, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} BeeBDC::flagRecorder( data = check_space, outPath = paste(OutPath_Report, sep =""), fileName = paste0("flagsRecorded_", Sys.Date(), ".csv"), idColumns = c("database_id", "id", "catalogNumber", "occurrenceID", "dataSource"), append = TRUE, printSummary = TRUE) ``` ## 5.10 Save Save the intermediate dataset. ```{r 5.10, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} check_space %>% readr::write_excel_csv(., paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "03_space_database.csv", sep = "/")) ``` # 6.0 Time Read in the last database, if needed. ```{r 6.0, collapse = TRUE} if(!exists("check_space")){ check_time <- readr::read_csv(paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "03_space_database.csv", sep = "/"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR()) }else{ check_time <- check_space # Remove the spent file rm(check_space)} ``` You can plot a histogram of dates here. ```{r 6.0ii, collapse = TRUE} hist(lubridate::ymd_hms(check_time$eventDate, truncated = 5), breaks = 20, main = "Histogram of eventDates") ``` Filter some silly dates that don't make sense. ```{r 6.0iii, collapse = TRUE} check_time$year <- ifelse(check_time$year > lubridate::year(Sys.Date()) | check_time$year < 1600, NA, check_time$year) check_time$month <- ifelse(check_time$month > 12 | check_time$month < 1, NA, check_time$month) check_time$day <- ifelse(check_time$day > 31 | check_time$day < 1, NA, check_time$day) ``` ## 6.1 Recover dates The `dateFindR()` function will search through some other columns in order to find and rescue dates that may not have made it into the correct columns. It will further update the *eventDate*, *day*, *month*, and *year* columns where these data were a) missing and b) located in one of the searched columns. ```{r 6.1, collapse = TRUE} check_time <- BeeBDC::dateFindR(data = check_time, # Years above this are removed (from the recovered dates only) maxYear = lubridate::year(Sys.Date()), # Years below this are removed (from the recovered dates only) minYear = 1700) ``` ## 6.2 No eventDate Flag records that simply lack collection date. :( ```{r 6.2, collapse = TRUE} check_time <- bdc::bdc_eventDate_empty(data = check_time, eventDate = "eventDate") ``` ## 6.3 Old records This will flag records prior to the date selected. 1970 is frequently chosen for SDM work. You may not need to filter old records at all, so think critically about your use. We have chosen 1950 as a lower extreme. ```{r 6.3, collapse = TRUE} check_time <- bdc::bdc_year_outOfRange(data = check_time, eventDate = "year", year_threshold = 1950) ``` ## 6.4 Time report *Not all of time, just the time pertaining to our precise occurrence records.* Update the *.summary* column. ```{r 6.4, eval = TRUE, collapse = TRUE} check_time <- BeeBDC::summaryFun( data = check_time, # Don't filter these columns (or NULL) dontFilterThese = c(".gridSummary", ".lonFlag", ".latFlag", ".uncer_terms"), # Remove the filtering columns? removeFilterColumns = FALSE, # Filter to ONLY cleaned data? filterClean = FALSE) ``` ```{r 6.4ii, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} ( report <- bdc::bdc_create_report(data = check_time, database_id = "database_id", workflow_step = "time", save_report = FALSE) ) ``` ## 6.5 Time figures Create time results figures. ```{r 6.5, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} figures <- BeeBDC::jbd_create_figures(data = check_time, path = DataPath, database_id = "database_id", workflow_step = "time", save_figures = TRUE) ``` You can check figures by using... ```{r 6.5ii, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} figures$year ``` Save the time-revised data into the intermediate folder. ```{r 6.5iii, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} check_time %>% readr::write_excel_csv(., paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "04_time_database.csv", sep = "/")) ``` ## 6.6 Save flags Save the flags so far. ```{r, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} BeeBDC::flagRecorder( data = check_time, outPath = paste(OutPath_Report, sep =""), fileName = paste0("flagsRecorded_", Sys.Date(), ".csv"), idColumns = c("database_id", "id", "catalogNumber", "occurrenceID", "dataSource"), append = TRUE, printSummary = TRUE) ``` # 7.0 De-duplication The dataset can be re-read here if it does not already exist. ```{r 7.0, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} if(!exists("check_time")){ check_time <- readr::read_csv(paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "04_time_database.csv", sep = "/"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR())} ``` ## 7.1 deDuplicate We will FLAG duplicates here. These input columns can be hacked to de-duplicate as you wish. This function uses user-specified inputs and columns to identify duplicate occurrence records. Duplicates are identified iteratively and will be tallied up, duplicate pairs clustered, and sorted at the end of the function. The function is designed to work with Darwin Core data with a *database_id* column, but it is also modifiable to work with other columns. I would encourage you to see '?`dupeSummary()`' for more details as this function is quite modifiable to user needs. ```{r 7.1, collapse = TRUE} check_time <- BeeBDC::dupeSummary( data = check_time, path = OutPath_Report, # options are "ID","collectionInfo", or "both" duplicatedBy = "collectionInfo", # The columns to generate completeness info from (and to sort by completness) completeness_cols = c("decimalLatitude", "decimalLongitude", "scientificName", "eventDate"), # The columns to ADDITIONALLY consider when finding duplicates in collectionInfo collectionCols = c("decimalLatitude", "decimalLongitude", "scientificName", "eventDate", "recordedBy"), # The columns to combine, one-by-one with the collectionCols collectInfoColumns = c("catalogNumber", "otherCatalogNumbers"), # Custom comparisons — as a list of columns to compare # RAW custom comparisons do not use the character and number thresholds CustomComparisonsRAW = dplyr::lst(c("catalogNumber", "institutionCode", "scientificName")), # Other custom comparisons use the character and number thresholds CustomComparisons = dplyr::lst(c("gbifID", "scientificName"), c("occurrenceID", "scientificName"), c("recordId", "scientificName"), c("id", "scientificName")), # The order in which you want to KEEP duplicated based on data source # try unique(check_time$dataSource) sourceOrder = c("CAES", "Gai", "Ecd","BMont", "BMin", "EPEL", "ASP", "KP", "EcoS", "EaCO", "FSCA", "Bal", "SMC", "Lic", "Arm", "USGS", "ALA", "VicWam", "GBIF","SCAN","iDigBio"), # Paige ordering is done using the database_id prefix, not the dataSource prefix. prefixOrder = c("Paige", "Dorey"), # Set the complexity threshold for id letter and number length # minimum number of characters when WITH the numberThreshold characterThreshold = 2, # minimum number of numbers when WITH the characterThreshold numberThreshold = 3, # Minimum number of numbers WITHOUT any characters numberOnlyThreshold = 5 ) %>% # END dupeSummary dplyr::as_tibble(col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR()) ``` Save the dataset into the intermediate folder. ```{r 7.1ii, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} check_time %>% readr::write_excel_csv(., paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "04_2_dup_database.csv", sep = "/")) ``` ## 7.2 Save flags Save the flags so far. ```{r 7.2, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} BeeBDC::flagRecorder( data = check_time, outPath = paste(OutPath_Report, sep =""), fileName = paste0("flagsRecorded_", Sys.Date(), ".csv"), idColumns = c("database_id", "id", "catalogNumber", "occurrenceID", "dataSource"), append = TRUE, printSummary = TRUE) ``` # 8.0 Data filtering The dataset can be re-read here if it does not already exist. ```{r 8.0, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} if(!exists("check_time")){ check_time <- readr::read_csv(paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "04_2_dup_database.csv", sep = "/"), col_types = ColTypeR())} ``` ## 8.1 rm Outliers Read in the most-recent duplicates file (generated by `dupeSummary()`) in order to identify the duplicates of the expert outliers. ```{r 8.1, eval = TRUE, collapse = TRUE} if(!exists("duplicates")){ duplicates <- BeeBDC::fileFinder(path = DataPath, fileName = "duplicateRun_") %>% readr::read_csv()} ``` Identify the outliers and get a list of their database_ids. This would require the source outlier files provided with the [BeeBDC](https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.06.30.547152) paper. These files can further be modified to include more outliers. check_time <- BeeBDC::manualOutlierFindeR( data = check_time, DataPath = DataPath, PaigeOutliersName = "removedBecauseDeterminedOutlier.csv", newOutliersName = "^All_outliers_ANB_14March.xlsx", ColombiaOutliers_all = "All_Colombian_OutlierIDs.csv", # A .csv with manual outlier records that are too close to otherwise TRUE records NearTRUE = "nearTRUE.csv", duplicates = duplicates) ## 8.2 Save uncleaned Save the uncleaned dataset. ```{r 8.2, eval = TRUE, collapse = TRUE} # Make sure that the .summary column is updated check_time <- BeeBDC::summaryFun( data = check_time, dontFilterThese = c(".gridSummary", ".lonFlag", ".latFlag", ".uncer_terms", ".uncertaintyThreshold"), removeFilterColumns = FALSE, filterClean = FALSE) ``` ```{r 8.2ii, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} # Save the uncleaned dataset check_time %>% readr::write_excel_csv(., paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "05_unCleaned_database.csv", sep = "/")) ``` ## 8.3 Filter Now clean the dataset of extra columns and failed rows and then save it. ```{r 8.3, eval = TRUE, collapse = TRUE} cleanData <- BeeBDC::summaryFun( data = check_time, dontFilterThese = c(".gridSummary", ".lonFlag", ".latFlag", ".uncer_terms", ".uncertaintyThreshold"), # Remove the filtering columns? removeFilterColumns = TRUE, # Filter to ONLY cleaned data? filterClean = TRUE) ``` ```{r 8.3ii, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} # Save this CLEANED dataset cleanData %>% readr::write_excel_csv(., paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "05_cleaned_database.csv", sep = "/")) ``` # 9.0 Figures and tables ## 9.1 Duplicate chordDiagrams Install **BiocManager** and **ComplexHeatmap** if you missed them at the start. ```{r 9.1, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager", repos = "http://cran.us.r-project.org") BiocManager::install("ComplexHeatmap") ``` Read in the most recent file of flagged duplicates, if it’s not already in your environment. ```{r 9.1ii, eval = TRUE, collapse = TRUE} if(!exists("duplicates")){ duplicates <- BeeBDC::fileFinder(path = DataPath, fileName = "duplicateRun_") %>% readr::read_csv()} ``` Choose the global figure parameters. ```{r 9.1on.exit, include = FALSE} oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) on.exit(oldpar) ``` ```{r 9.1iii, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} par(mar = c(2, 2, 2, 2)/2, mfrow = c(1,1)) ``` Create the chordDiagram. You can leave many of the below values out, but we show here the defaults. There are [internally] no duplicates in current our test dataset, so **BeeBDC** will throw an informative error. However, we show the full output figure from our bee dataset below. ```{r 9.1iv, eval=FALSE, fig.fullwidth=TRUE, fig.height=7.5, fig.width=9, collapse = TRUE} BeeBDC::chordDiagramR( # The duplicate data from the dupeSummary function output dupeData = duplicates, outPath = OutPath_Figures, fileName = "ChordDiagram.pdf", # These can be modified to help fit the final pdf that's exported. width = 9, height = 7.5, bg = "white", # How few distinct dataSources should a group have to be listed as "other" smallGrpThreshold = 3, title = "Duplicated record sources", # The default list of colour palettes to choose from usign the paleteer package palettes = c("cartography::blue.pal", "cartography::green.pal", "cartography::sand.pal", "cartography::orange.pal", "cartography::red.pal", "cartography::purple.pal", "cartography::brown.pal"), canvas.ylim = c(-1.0,1.0), canvas.xlim = c(-0.6, 0.25), text.col = "black", legendX = grid::unit(6, "mm"), legendY = grid::unit(18, "mm"), legendJustify = c("left", "bottom"), niceFacing = TRUE) ``` ![Full chord diagram from Dorey et al. 2023] ## 9.2 Duplicate histogram Read in the uncleaned dataset, if it's not already present. ```{r 9.2, eval = TRUE, collapse = TRUE} if(!exists("check_time")){ beeData <- readr::read_csv(paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "05_unCleaned_database.csv", sep = "/"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR()) }else{ beeData <- check_time rm(check_time) } ``` Create a plot with two bar graphs. One shows the absolute number of duplicate records for each data source, while the other shows the proportion of records that are duplicated within each data source. (*'dataSource'* is simplified to the text before the first underscore). ```{r 9.2ii, warning=FALSE, eval=TRUE, collapse = TRUE} BeeBDC::dupePlotR( data = beeData, # The outPath to save the plot as outPath = OutPath_Figures, fileName = "duplicatePlot.pdf", # Colours in order: duplicate, kept duplicate, unique dupeColours = c("#F2D2A2","#B9D6BC", "#349B90"), # Plot size and height base_height = 7, base_width = 7, legend.position = c(0.85, 0.8), # Extra variables can be fed into forcats::fct_recode() to change names on plot GBIF = "GBIF", SCAN = "SCAN", iDigBio = "iDigBio", USGS = "USGS", ALA = "ALA", ASP = "ASP", CAES = "CAES", Ecd = "Ecd", returnPlot = TRUE ) ``` ## 9.3 Flags by source Create a compound bar plot that shows the proportion of records that pass or fail each flag (rows) for each data source (columns). The function can also optionally return a point map for a user-specified species when plotMap = TRUE. (*dataSource* is simplified to the text before the first underscore.) ```{r 9.3, fig.width=15, fig.height=9, fig.fullwidth=TRUE, eval=TRUE, collapse = TRUE} BeeBDC::plotFlagSummary( data = beeData, # Colours in order of pass (TRUE), fail (FALSE), and NA flagColours = c("#127852", "#A7002D", "#BDBABB"), fileName = paste0("FlagsPlot_", Sys.Date(),".pdf"), outPath = paste0(OutPath_Figures), width = 15, height = 9, # OPTIONAL: # # Filter to a single species # speciesName = "Holcopasites heliopsis", # # column to look in # nameColumn = "species", # # Save the filtered data # saveFiltered = TRUE, # # Filter column to display on map # filterColumn = ".summary", # plotMap = TRUE, # # amount to jitter points if desired, e.g. 0.25 or NULL # jitterValue = NULL, # # Map opacity value for points between 0 and 1 # mapAlpha = 1, # # If a user wants to output the table used to make the figure, change this to TRUE # saveTable = FALSE, # Extra variables can be fed into forcats::fct_recode() to change names on plot GBIF = "GBIF", SCAN = "SCAN", iDigBio = "iDigBio", USGS = "USGS", ALA = "ALA", ASP = "ASP", CAES = "CAES", 'BMont' = "BMont", 'BMin' = "BMin", Ecd = "Ecd", Gaiarsa = "Gai", EPEL = "EPEL", VicWam = "VicWam", returnPlot = TRUE ) ``` ## 9.4 Maps Import CLEANED dataset (you can change this option). ```{r 9.4, eval = TRUE, collapse = TRUE} if(!exists("cleanData")){ cleanData <- readr::read_csv(paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "05_cleaned_database.csv", sep = "/"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR())} ``` ### a. Summary maps Draw a global summary map for occurrence and species number by country. ```{r 9.4a, eval=FALSE, collapse = TRUE} BeeBDC::summaryMaps( data = cleanData, width = 10, height = 10, class_n = 3, class_Style = "fisher", fileName = "CountryMaps_fisher.pdf", outPath = OutPath_Figures, returnPlot = TRUE ) ``` ### b. Interactive maps Uses the occurrence data (preferably uncleaned in order to show pass/fail points) and outputs interactive .html maps, which can be opened in your browser, to a specific directory. The maps can highlight if an occurrence has passed all filtering (*.summary* == TRUE) or failed at least one filter (*.summary* == FALSE). This can be updated by first running `summaryFun()` to choose the columns that you want to be highlighted. This function will also highlight occurrences flagged as expert-identified or country outliers separately. Because the function can have any categorical variable fed into 'speciesColumn', users may choose another column of interest to map; however, maps made using very large categories can be slow to produce and unwieldy to view. ```{r 9.4b, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} BeeBDC::interactiveMapR( # occurrence data data = beeData, # Directory where to save files outPath = paste0(OutPath_Figures, "interactiveMaps", sep = "/"), lon = "decimalLongitude", lat = "decimalLatitude", # Occurrence dataset column with species names speciesColumn = "scientificName", # Which species to map — a character vector of names or "ALL" # Note: "ALL" is defined AFTER filtering for country speciesList = "ALL", countryList = NULL, # study area # Point jitter to see stacked points — jitters an amount in decimal degrees jitterValue = 0.01 ) ``` ## 9.5 Data providers Read in the clean data if it's not already in the environment. ```{r 9.5, eval = FALSE, collapse = TRUE} if(!exists("cleanData")){ cleanData <- readr::read_csv(paste(OutPath_Intermediate, "05_cleaned_database.csv", sep = "/"), col_types = BeeBDC::ColTypeR(), locale = readr::locale(encoding = "UTF-8"))} ``` This function will attempt to find and build a table of data providers that have contributed to the input data, especially using the *'institutionCode'* column. It will also search a variety of other columns to find data providers using an internally set sequence of if-else statements. Hence, this function is quite specific for bee data, but it should work for other taxa in similar institutions (perhaps to a lesser degree). ```{r 9.5ii, eval = TRUE, collapse = TRUE} # Note, if outPath = NULL then no file will be saved dataProvTable <- BeeBDC::dataProvTables(data = cleanData, runBeeDataChecks = TRUE, outPath = NULL, fileName = "dataProvTable.csv") ``` ## 9.6 Flag summary The function `flagSummaryTable()` takes a flagged dataset and returns the total number of fails (FALSE) per flag (in columns starting with “.”) and per species. Users may define the column by which to group the summary. While it is intended to work with the *scientificName* column, users may select any grouping column (e.g., *country*). ```{r 9.6, eval = TRUE, collapse = TRUE} # Note, if outPath = NULL then no file will be saved summaryTable <- BeeBDC::flagSummaryTable(data = beeData, column = "scientificName", outPath = NULL, fileName = "flagTable.csv") ``` ```{r cleanup, include=FALSE, collapse = TRUE} # Remove the webpage folder unlink(paste0(dirname(getwd()), "/inst/extdata/WebDir"), recursive = TRUE) ```